Immigration Overview

how immigration approvals fit into your Adoption process

Three Key steps:

During the process of adopting a child from another country, prospective adoptive parents will need to obtain 3 key US Immigration (USCIS) approvals, before bringing their child home. Watch the videos below to understand more about each step.

I-800(A) Approval

This step is done immediately after completing your home study. This is USCIS’ approval for the couple or individual to “move forward” with their plans to pursue an international adoption.

*Tip - think “A” for “Adults’ Approval” **The I-800(A) Approval must be included in your dossier

I-800 Approval

This step is done after matching with a referral, once official documents are received from the Country’s Central Adoption Authority (CCCWA for China / CARA for India). This is USCIS’ approval for the couple or individual to “move forward” with their plans to adopt a specific child.

DS260 Process

This step is done after receiving an I-800 approval, and is the process of securing a US Visa for the child entering the United States.


Tips & Reminders

Remember to look at the “China Documents Page” for other helpful guides and resources