The Great Paper Chase!

Tools, Tips, And forms to Navigate the document gathering Process

From your case coordinator:

During the next 3 - 6 months, we will be working on several key pieces of your adoption…. all at once. This might feel overwhelming, which is why I want you to apply the following thoughts to what what you are working on at any given time:

1) My home study materials take priority, because having an “approved” home study is necessary for all other steps.

2) However, I need to be aware of the materials I’ll have to gather for my Dossier, because many of the dossier materials are the same (or very similar to) the home study materials.

3) I also must be aware of the specific details required of dossier materials. These are listed in your document guides / instructions - and must be followed perfectly.

4) Sometimes, states/home study agencies will allow me to keep originals, so that I can cross utilize them for both the home study and the dossier. Always ask in advance, so that you know if you need to request 2 originals. If the answer is “no” - that is just fine! We ALWAYS want to comply with the state’s requirements for home study and the country’s requirements for your dossier. We NEVER want to cut-corners during these key phases.

5) I will feel a lot of “hurry up and wait” during the entire adoption journey, especially in the beginning. If you ever find yourself “waiting” you can always fill that time with educating yourself and your family. Adoption Education is another important requirement

Helpful Links



COTW Address

22787 Hwy 98, Ste E-3

Fairhope, AL 36532



Tools / Tips for SAM

Access your SAM Checklist

  • The “SAM” portal is our source to securely share and organize the documents and information related to your adoption process

  • You will have a personalized checklist in SAM that provides you with forms, instructions, and places to upload some digital copies of your items.

  • Remember, for MANY tasks, I will require the original document be mailed to me. If an original is required (your SAM instructions will let you know) I will upload a scan once I receive it.


Adoption Education Materials

Adoptive Parent Education Log - instructions can be found on the “China Program Document” Page

Adoption Learning Partners

The Connected Child

Additional Education Resources

When Your Dossier Reaches China…

For weeks we’ve prepared, fine-tuned, collected, and authenticated your dossier.  It has been sent off to China with our blessing, now what?

Your adoption coordinator has sent your original dossier file to our China Facilitator, Hou Jing Dong AKA Doris, via FedEx.

                The Dossier File included:

  • Cover Letter to Hou Jing Dong 

  • Cover Letter to the CCCWA

  • Original China Dossier

  • Copy of the original China Dossier with authentication pages

  • 4 passport photographs of each prospective adoptive parent

*Before your file was sent, scans of each document were emailed to Doris for her to review and check for accuracy.  In addition, the dossier fees you have paid to Children of the World for the services rendered in China have been wired to their respective destinations.  You should have received confirmation of this from our bookkeeper.  If you have not, please let your adoption coordinator know.

When the packet arrives, Doris will, once again review everything for accuracy, and make arrangements to hand-deliver your Dossier to the CCCWA. China Dossiers and Cover letters to the CCCWA must be presented in a red folder.                 

  • Our China Facilitator (Doris) presents your dossier to the CCCWA for their log in procedure.

  • CCCWA logs in your dossier and gives China Facilitator (Doris) a Log in Number for Confirmation.

  • CCCWA sends your dossier to Bridge of Love Adoption Services for Translation.

*Important items to consider*

 It is not unheard of for CCCWA to request additional or updated information on couples. 

If there were any items in your dossier file that were more than 8-9 months old, it is a good idea to have a plan in place for “updating” these items. Again, we will keep you informed of any information we receive from CCCWA.

Looking Ahead  

The following are remaining phases in your adoption process:

Matching / Accepting a Referral – Our China Facilitator and your adoption coordinator are looking for a referral that matches your specifications. You may also search advocacy forums (Reese’s Rainbow is an example), but please do so with caution.

I800 process – Phase II of Immigration, seeking approval for your specific referral

DS260 process - your child’s US visa application

Article 5 - final approval from US Immigration

Travel Approval (Travel Invitation) final approval from CCCWA, approved range of dates for travel

In-Country Appointments – Orphanage Tour/ Got-cha Day, Medicals, & US Consulate

Travel Arrangements / Preparation – Flights, Reservations, Itinerary Review